Sunday 28 September 2014

Entry #1

It's not been very long since I posted the introduction, but I saw him, no, it. I saw The Tall Man. It's starting to follow me now. It stands at the corner of my vision, watching me. I'm going to talk to my friends to see if they have seen it. If they have, I'm going to see if there's a way we can stop it. If not...I'll go to the doctor. I'm not sure what's going to happen to me.

I should probably explain. 

I woke up this morning feeling sick. I went into the bathroom to get some headache medicine. The closer I got to the bathroom, the worse I felt. I couldn't see properly, my vision kept going blurry. I had a severe headache and my stomach kept cramping. I kept coughing too, which only made the headache and stomach pains worse. It was there. Standing in the darkened room, facing towards me. I turned and tried to run. I made it down the stairs and hid in the kitchen. I glanced out the window and saw someone standing at the fence. I ducked down. Whoever it was probably meant me harm. No innocent person wears a mask. I stayed where I was, slowly feeling better, when the door to the wash room (the room with the tumble dryer) opened. I'd forgotten to lock it. I slid under the table and watched as the inside door opened and the masked figure walked in. I could see the detail on the mask better now. It looked like the area around the eyeholes had been done to mimic the way Egyptians used to do their eyeliner. The lips were painted red. 

It was the same person who picked up the camera. And sure enough, they held it in their hand. They were filming. After a moment, the masked person left, but not before taking a kitchen knife from one of my drawers. I couldn't help it. I know I should have rushed them the moment their back was turned, but what if they'd already had the knife in their hand at that point? 



My name is Daniel Smith, though people just call me Dan. This blog is where I'll keep track of the strange events as they occur. For now, I'm safe. For now, everything is fine. Though I doubt it'll stay that way.

My friend, Ellie, went missing a few days ago. I found the memory card of her camera on my doorstep one night in an envelope addressed to me. I watched it, and honestly wished I hadn't. The camera hadn't been focussed on anything in particular and so was facing away from her, at the bushes behind. Ellie had put it down to look at something. That's when the camera picked it up. A man in the background. It was a tall man, or appeared to be, in a black business suit and red tie. The most alarming thing was he had no face. Just smooth white skin. The camera began to glitch and the man vanished. Just....gone. Then there was a scream. Not just any scream, but a raw throated scream of unparalleled terror. Ellie.

The camera then blacked out but was turned on again later. The camera was looking straight up at a figure in a black hoodie and white mask. The lips were painted red and the eyeholes were painted around with black in a way that made the corners look Egyptian styled. After a few seconds, the figure turned the camera off again.

And now I sit in terror because one event lead to another and so on and on. Now, he comes for me too. The Tall Man is coming for me too. Me and anyone else associated with Ellie. So this is my contribution, a warning to the world.

Do. Not. Go. Into. The. Woods.
It. Is. Hiding. There.

-Dan Smith-